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Class Cancellations

Weather Conditions & College Closing

In evaluating whether to close the college, we take many factors into consideration and consult with a number of people, both affiliated with the college and not. We take into account road conditions, weather forecasts, condition of campus, etc. However, with all that said, conditions throughout our service area vary widely and we encourage students and employees to make their own individual decisions based on conditions where they are.

Safety is everyone’s foremost concern.

Current Class Cancellations

View Corporate College class cancellations.

Sorted by Course:

Course # Class DateTimeProfessorRoomCampus
Hide details for [<div style="white-space: nowrap; font-weight: bold; font-size: 14px;">]ART[</div>]
ART204-100Mon, 03/24/202509:00 AMSusan Griepp12-230Brighton
Hide details for [<div style="white-space: nowrap; font-weight: bold; font-size: 14px;">]COS[</div>]
COS101-008Mon, 03/24/202512:00 PMKelly Tudhope11-102Brighton
COS133-010Mon, 03/24/202501:00 PMKelly Tudhope11-104Brighton
Hide details for [<div style="white-space: nowrap; font-weight: bold; font-size: 14px;">]EDU[</div>]
EDU100-001Mon, 03/24/202502:30 PMRichard Costanza12-105Brighton
Hide details for [<div style="white-space: nowrap; font-weight: bold; font-size: 14px;">]ENG[</div>]
ENG101-009Mon, 03/24/202510:00 AMJay Keith9-146Brighton
ENG101-040Mon, 03/24/202510:00 AMKelli Eberle9-242Brighton
ENG101-04AMon, 03/24/202510:00 AMKelli Eberle9-242Brighton
ENG101-130Tue, 03/25/202511:00 AMJames Senden6-431Brighton
ENG101-13ATue, 03/25/202511:00 AMJames Senden6-431Brighton
ENG230-002Tue, 03/25/202509:30 AMJames Senden12-107Brighton
ENG251-001Mon, 03/24/202501:00 PMJay Keith9-252Brighton
ENG251-HC1Mon, 03/24/202501:00 PMJay Keith9-252Brighton
Hide details for [<div style="white-space: nowrap; font-weight: bold; font-size: 14px;">]GEG[</div>]
GEG133-105Tue, 03/25/202501:00 PMJonathon Little11-102Brighton
Hide details for [<div style="white-space: nowrap; font-weight: bold; font-size: 14px;">]HED[</div>]
HED116-002Tue, 03/25/202511:00 AMKristen Killion09-173Brighton
HED207-002Tue, 03/25/202509:30 AMKristen Killion09-145Hybrid
HED207-003Tue, 03/25/202512:30 PMKristen Killion11-207Brighton
Hide details for [<div style="white-space: nowrap; font-weight: bold; font-size: 14px;">]HIS[</div>]
HIS111-CC1Mon, 03/24/202510:30 AMDavid Hughes354DC
HIS111-CC1Mon, 03/24/202510:30 AMDavid Hughes354DC
HIS111-CC1Mon, 03/24/202510:30 AMDavid Hughes354DC
HIS111-CC1Mon, 03/24/202510:30 AMDavid Hughes354DC
HIS111-CC1Mon, 03/24/202510:30 AMDavid Hughes354DC
Hide details for [<div style="white-space: nowrap; font-weight: bold; font-size: 14px;">]PHL[</div>]
PHL210-001Mon, 03/24/202502:00 PMRobert Muhlnickel6-431Brighton
PHL210-HC1Mon, 03/24/202502:00 PMRobert Muhlnickel6-431Brighton
PHL250-CC1Mon, 03/24/202509:00 AMRobert Muhlnickel554DC
Hide details for [<div style="white-space: nowrap; font-weight: bold; font-size: 14px;">]SOC[</div>]
SOC201-001Thu, 06/03/202511:00 AMNatasha Chen11-207Brighton
SOC201-001Tue, 04/03/202511:00 AMNatasha Chen11-207Brighton
Hide details for [<div style="white-space: nowrap; font-weight: bold; font-size: 14px;">]TRS[</div>]
TRS099-04AMon, 03/24/202511:00 AMKelli Eberle9-238Brighton
TRS099-13ATue, 03/25/202512:30 PMJames Senden9-252Brighton